When you purchase a used car, you expect it to serve you well and come with a few less costly repairs. You expect it to be in the same condition as advertised by your dealer. However, this is not always the case. Some dealers fail to disclose some of the defects, and instead of getting a solid and reliable car, you are sold a car with multiple repairs, extensive damages, and unsafe to drive. Although you can get compensated or have the car replaced, you will need a lot of time and effort before your claim can be handled. In case of a refund or cash compensation, you can use a lemon law calculator to know how much you will get. You are eligible for a lemon law claim if the defects of the vehicle interfere with the value, use, and safety of the vehicle. The following are common issues you can identify when buying a used car to ensure you are not duped.
- Defective Seatbelts
Seatbelts are vital to keeping you and the passengers safe and in position in case of an accident. However, faulty seatbelts may not do the job, which can result in injuries or death. Therefore, when buying the car, inspect the seatbelts to ensure they work correctly and are adjustable to any size. If there is an issue, the manufacturer should fix it under warranty. However, if the repairs surpass reasonable attempts, you can file a lemon law claim.
- Malfunctioned Airbags
A malfunctioned airbag can erupt at the wrong time, require too much force to deploy, or fail to inflate. These issues pose a danger to you and other passengers. Remember, the problem with the airbags needs to be fixed for free by the manufacturer as long as the warranty is still valid. However, you can take legal action if the issue does not end even after several repairs. You must show that you made several attempts to fix the problem before you file for the claim. However, each state has a specific number of reasonable attempts, and the manufacturer might use it to continue with the repairs without facing the law.
- Steering Issues
You may also notice issues with the steering, where it locks up or malfunctions when maneuvering. You will need to ensure the problems are fixed to keep you safe. Make sure you inform the dealership about the situation before buying. Similarly, work with a lawyer to file a lemon law claim if the issue cannot be resolved.
- Faulty Brakes
Faulty brakes are a common issue with most used cars. If your vehicle does not stop when you brake or brake unpredictably, it could be because the braking system has a problem. So, let the dealership or manufacturer know about the issue since you will risk accidents if the issue is not resolved.
- Door Latch Defects
Door latches allow the doors to close firmly. If defective, your vehicle doors can open anytime, even when driving, especially at high speed. This poses a high level of danger to the people inside and outside the vehicle. Therefore, if you notice a problem with door latches, inform the manufacturer to have it fixed. If the issue cannot be resolved, consider working with a lemon law attorney for legal action against the manufacturer.
End Note
These are common problems you may notice with a used vehicle. Remember, you are eligible for a buyback or replacement from the dealership or manufacturer. However, before buying, check for these issues and inform the seller or manufacturer for free repairs under warranty.